Short Analysis of Emily Crips
Emily crisps , a snack brand led by a women entrepreneur has been a success in terms of funding and growth. With 1 million euros been gathered through crowdfunding, the marketing team built plans to launch the brand advertisements out on streets in the month of April so they made advanced bookings.
Being sufferings from the world are spread around, we would say it’s foolish to have street ads of some chips but the marketing team saw an opportunity in this as they placed creative ads out there and published pictures of the posters on online platforms. This lead an online branding in a creative way and will make a difference as when lockdown will close this company will be struggling with large brands as it has captured a name among audience.
The main role played here is the role of the marketing team as they could have just ignored this opportunity but they came up with creative ideas for the slogans and made the company a point of focus.
Going to the investments in buying new ad space on other platforms like TV or online ads they used the posters on streets as a push point to their online platforms. They used sympathy of consumers by straightforward publishing their misfortune of investment. The thoughts of not making fortune out of corona made them in good books of people. Also thoughts of Draper, marketing head of the group regarding making ads humorous added a pinch to make it more relatable to peoples and this led to a great precedent to be studied in marketing.